The Business of Jewelry making and the areas of Work

Jewelry business has been known to be on the rise due to India’s evident love for the art of jewelry. The business of Jewellery can be divided into different sectors. A person interested in setting up the business must choose an area of operations in their interest field of work that captures their attention, interest and liking. A few of the areas of business where huge profits can be made are: •Processing of Gems and metals. •Designing Jewellery •Manufacture of Jewellery •Retail of finished Jewellery •Supply chain of Jewellery Manufacturing of Jewellery deals with giving real shape to the blueprint that is made in the jewellery designing phase. In this stage, the final product of the jewellery business is prepared. The exquisite diamond engagement rings we see quite often at jewelry store are a finished product of this stage. Ganjam Retail of finished Jewellery and consumer markets is the approach that follows manufacturing. After manufacturing some of the exquisite jewe...